Saturday, January 15, 2011


After reading the devotion, "None so Obscure", I felt left to ask myself a question: what legacy will my life be leaving? But the more I pondered this question, the more it brought other questions to mind, such as: what does it actually mean to be great? who am I living to impress? am I living my life for something of worth?

Several years ago at a Christian youth retreat, our speaker said something that has stuck with me. To be great is to be less. At the time, I never fully understood what that meant, but the older I get, the more I realize the truth in that statement. When you step back and think about it, the people we recognize as "great" are the people who served. People who thought of others as greater than themselves, people who give their lives to the service of helping others. They think of themselves less, and somehow, we view that as greatness. I believe we view it as such because of our model; Jesus Christ. Jesus was greatness is the flesh. But he was also the greatest servant we have ever seen. Our lives are beckoned to be modeled after His, and if that is true, should our lives not be less?

My desire is to be known as a woman of love, compassion, encouragement, laughter, faith, mercy, kindness, and joy. I'm a social work major for the sole reason of I love people. And I want to impact someone's life. To change it for the better. Not because I'm "great", but because of the One who is great inside of my heart. That is what gives life meaning. That is what leaves a mark on this world. People have been talking about Jesus for over 2,000 years...I think that is the coolest thing.

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