Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lanyard- Creative

Passionate- From themed birthday parties every year since I was born, to mailing me care packages in college, everything you put your hands to, you are passionate about. Your passion for God, ministries, and striving to be your best has been instilled into my life from a young age. Because of your example, I am not only passionate about everything I do, but I've allowed my passions to become compassion. I've never said thank you for that.

Adoring- From things like putting me in dresses and bows, to thinking I am number one even when I fail, you have always adored me. In your eyes, I can succeed at anything. You have always modeled an adoration that will do anything to help us, such a selfless love. I've never said thank you for that.

Responsible- From making sure we made it to every appointment, to making sure we had every school supply, you have shown me what responsibility is. Those times you made us chore charts and we did not get allowances, that surely taught me responsibility. You taught me how to manage my life. From school, to money, to time, to people, to my spiritual life. You've shown me how to be responsible. I've never said thank you for that.

Empathetic- From kissing all my skinned hands and knees, to holding me while my heart was breaking, you've shown me what a life of empathy is. You may not have always understood, but you were there to try and feel what I was feeling. Because of you, empathy is one of my top five strengths. I've never said thank you for that.

Near- From having your room right across the hallway, to running out to the driveway when I fell and needed you to catch me, you have always been near. Since going away to college, I've learned that being near to someone is not always in a physical sense, but close in heart. I know you are only a phone call away. I've never said thank you for that.

Teaching- From homeschooling me, to showing me how to fold towels correctly, you've always been teaching me. You've taught me book knowledge, life knowledge, and spiritual knowledge. The moment you brought me into this world, you committed to teach me how to live life. Because of you, I am now a capable adult. I've never said thank you for that.

Strong- You both have always been a rock in my life. Your entire marriage exemplifies the word strong. You have weathered every storm, held on when you weren't sure if you could, and had the strength to let go even when it was painful. The obstacles you have overcome have silently taught me what it is like to be strong. Because of your actions and not your words, you've taught me how to be strong. To hold on when I thought I couldn't, to let go when it broke my heart, and to stand when everything around me was falling apart. I've never said thank you for that.

I'm not sure if even this will ever do you justice, but this is my lanyard. A simple token that I hope will somehow make the playing field even. You have given me so much, and the smallest gift I can return to you is my thanks.

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