Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Peace like a River- Problematize

"People fear miracles because they fear being changed- though ignoring them will change you also."

The reoccurring theme of miracles in the book "Peace like a River" is obviously noticeable, but I feel as if it is that topic we hear about but don't listen to. Miracles are talked about like they can happen; not that they still are happening. We use the label of miracle for material things. Example, Miracle Grow. What's so miraculous about dirt enhanced with chemicals? Or, Miracle Whip. What's so miraculous about fluffy mayonnaise?

Miracles are more than plant food and sandwich spreads. Miracles are pieces of God's power being shown to His creation. They are taking an impossible situation and turning it around and doing what man cannot do in his own strength. I believe that we tone down the word miracle so it's on a level we can handle and are comfortable with. Because Swede is right, we fear by allowing God's power to openly flow, we might actually be changed and taken out of our comfort zone. But isn't that the point? We ask God for miracles to take us out of the zone we're in. We're sending God mixed signals...

I am a miracle. When I was born, I almost died. The doctors found a fluid in my lungs and they were sure I was not going to make it. But through prayer and petitioning God for the impossible, I am healed and whole. I've seen so many miracles throughout my life; blind eyes opened, deaf ears opened, lame people walking, sick people healed, people released from demonic possession. And it has changed me. But I strongly believe had I never experienced that, I would not truly believe that with God all things are possible.

Heaven is jam-packed into our souls. It's part of our spiritual DNA. Which means that as Christians, miracles are also apart of our DNA. Jesus has given us the authority and power to tap into that at any moment. Not to be reckless, but to show God's goodness. The realization of just how much God wants to do in and through us should be releasing, changing. We should fear the Lord more than we fear losing our comfort. That in and of itself would be a real miracle.

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